Monday, December 10, 2007

Why can't every day be like Sunday?

I love the weekends! They just go so fast. I guess I just will never take for granted how much I enjoy hanging out with my husband. We don't really even do anything, just relax, but I love having him around and seeing him with Sam. Sunday we took Samwise to the Paradox for breakfast. He was great, and then as we were leaving he got to see his first snow. Then cousin Pam was an angel and sat with him while Jeff and I went to see "The Golden Compass." I was pretty enchanted with the look of the movie, the set design and costumes were gorgeous, and the effects were wonderful, but I felt it was a little slow. And I missed my baby!! I checked my phone every 10 minutes to make sure no one had called. Then when we got home I went grocery shopping all by myself. It felt kind of weird to be alone, I am used to having my little sidekick around me at all times! I wonder how I'll do tomorrow when Brian and I go out to dinner. Jeff will be with him, so it will be ok.
I remember what we did Saturday night! We had dvr'd "Mr.Mom." It had been forever since either of us had seen it and it was still pretty funny. What ever happened to Micheal Keaton, I wonder?
This week brings us the end of "Survivor." I will try to have the strength to go on.

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