Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fish Oil and Facebook

So, we were playing in the kitchen as usual yesterday, I was making bagels to use up some of the smoked salmon and Sam was taking lids off of jars and stacking things in the pantry (important baby stuff is what Jeff calls it.) I noticed that it was a little to quiet and... peeked in the pantry to see Sam rolling around in a pool of used oil that we fry fish in, happy as a clam. You can imagine I did not know whether to laugh or cry. I laughed, of course, took some pictures (too dark ,I think cause they were in the pantry) and then threw him in the bathtub, almost breaking my neck in the process from slipping on the fish oil. The irony is that this whole episode happened while I was on the phone with my in-laws, who are away, assuring them that, yes, everything is fine, the garden is getting watered and picked, the baby is great...

Also, Facebook. Weird!! All these old elementary school friends are finding me. Random. I usually can't get on it because it is restricted at the computer center.

We are going to San Jose this weekend. Jeff and I are going to be able to see movies! Hopefully Batman is still in the theatres. What else should we see? If you could recommend one movie that's worthwhile, what would it be? To bad "Harry Potter" is not out yet, even though I watched the preview on line.

"The Office" starts on Thursday. And "survivor" Sigh.

I am about to Google recipes for Grouse, since Curt apparently shot some yesterday. Where am I?

1 comment:

Pamela said...

My folks and Bob and I saw Burn After Reading and recommend. (Coen Brothers)