Thursday, November 6, 2008

Don't feel like posting

i can't find the USB cord, and now I don't feel like posting because I will just have to write, and i really do not have the time for that. Jeff and I took a much anticipated (Movie!! Target!!) trip to town which ended up being a total let down because we had to take this huge truck and just run errands (hardware store! plumbing store!! Feed store!!!) for his work. I did get 2 restaurant meals (Chinese Buffet, which, sorry to say, dad, but we did not do it justice; and Mexican on the way home.) I also, halfway through, made Jeff drop me off at Target for 2 hours.
Anyway, the whole clan here is much heartened by the election results, what a world for Sam to grow up in. I am just so disappointed that proposition 8 passed.
Sam's first birthday is 2 weeks away. I hope I find that silly cord by then.

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