Monday, October 27, 2008

missing usb cord!

We were in San Fransisco visiting BB and I think I left my usb cord there, so no pictures for a while. Too bad, cause Sam is getting SO cute and we have been making some really good looking food. Lets see, we had Sloppy Joe's (which we called sloppy Josa's in honor of my niece, much to her chagrin,) venison goulash over homemade egg noodles with rye bread ( I have been playing with the no knead bread recipe- this time I added rye flour and sourdough starter- the best bread yet!!) And yesterday I made delicious pizza with olives, caramelized onions, peppers, pepperoni and three cheeses.

San Fransisco was great, I wish we could have gone under happier circumstances. We went to Chinatown (my mom made me take a bus!!) and pretended we were tourists and got schlocky gifts and has yummy Chinese food. We had a picnic at the marina, and walked around alot. I also got to see so much TV that I usually don't get a chance to see, like ANTM. We also watched "Stylista", which if I had the CW at home I would be totally addicted to, its about kids who want a job at Elle magazine, and a hilarious show called "Whatever Martha" which should go under the category of "Things I wish I had thought of first, and probably did when me and my old roommate used to tape ourself watching bad eighties movies." This show consists of Alexis Stewart (Martha's daughter) and her friend watching old episodes of the Martha Stewart show and making snarky comments, and crafting along with her and making messes. Funny!

Anyway, we are home now and getting back in our routine. Sam says "up" now when he wants to get up, and we have had to strap him in to his high chair (which we probably should have done all along) because he tries to climb out of it. He also like to climb into snug spaces, like boxes, and flowerpots. He shakes his head "no" when he is doing something he shouldn't - like pressing the dvr button, trying to turn the burners of the stove, or throwing food on the floor. Yet he does it anyway. We also left the gate to downstairs open by accident, and he went down the stairs all by himself. That was pretty scary. all in all, we are very excited for his first birthday in less than a month!!

1 comment:

lenamarino said...

what a bummer! I looove your pics!