Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dinner last night

This is what we had for dinner last night. apparently, alot of people besides me like to look at pictures of food. This was Black Pepper Chicken from "The Week" magazine. It took about 15 minutes to make and it was super good. When you are craving Chinese around here, you gotta make it yourself, so that's what we did. The sauce was brown sugar, ginger, chilies, fish sauce, and three times more garlic then the recipe called for. I also added a corn starch slurry at the end to thicken the sauce. Even Josa, who usually only eats white rice, was ladling the sauce over her rice. I should have added more chili peppers as well.
I have embarked on a daunting new project that should keep me occupied this winter. I am culling through my 1000+ collection of cooking magazines and cutting out the recipes and filing them in folders. It will take forever, but it is fun and kind of inspiring. I have a whole file of "Things that look great but in no way will I ever make them," mostly including lobster, caviar, truffles and fois gras. Well, who knows?
Project Runway season finale tonight!! I keep looking on line for spoilers but cant find out who won. I feel like I should make everyone dress up for the occasion. Those who know us will laugh very hard at that.
We took Sam to a puppet show at the Elementary school today. It was about bullying, and set to rock music to reach the kids, you know? Anyway, any time music came on Sam would bounce and rock and shake his head. Got to get the drum kit soon!!

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