I know, I know, I am a terrible fan and I actually bet against the Blazers- a 20 point spread, no less, but come on. they were playing the Spurs. However, after watching the game I am truly excited to watch them play this season. They played hard and well, like they didn't realize they were supposed to lose.
Brian came over, too, and I made homemade pita bread, falafel, hummus and veggies. The pita was good but I think the recipe called for too much flour because it almost burnt out the motor of my poor kitchen aide, I could smell it. But it was super easy, Ill post the recipe in the recipe section.
I have been starting work at 8 instead of 6:30 the last few weeks, and even though the extra hour of sleep is nice, traffic sucks a bit more now, I miss my favorite 7-11 guy who always beams at me and says "my customer!" (why I love him and stopped going to the plaid pantry because of mainly the same thing is a mystery), and there are 1,000,000 hooligan kids out waiting for the bus. Also I get off later, which I don't like, and its busy almost right when I start so I don't have as much time to blog or check e-mail or what not.
I must go get my hair cut today after work. It is one big split end!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
E-Bay Adventures
So I posted on Craigs List for someone to help me sell all of my Starbucks stuff on E- Bay, and I met this nice guy Brian. We posted all of it, and the bidding ends in about 5 hours. They have been posted for about 6 days. The first few days I was a little concerned because nothing was selling, but in the last few hours the bidding wars have begun, and let me tell you this is an exhilarating feeling. I check every 10 minutes because he sent me a link to all the stuff. It's such a rush, I can see how people do this for a living. I can't wait to find other stuff to sell (comic books? what?) I told him for his trouble I'd give him 20%, but I still stand to make enough to buy a baby sling, get a haircut and maybe go pay the electric bill!!
Tonight is an exciting night for TV. Up at 5 is opening night for the Blazers! They are playing Champions San Antonio, and I hate to bet against my boys but I think it's going to be a massacre and I bet Jeff a quarter on a 20 point spread. I'm just pragmatic.
Then, "The Biggest Loser"- The aftermath, in which we see the repercussions of Nicks dramatic 17 pound strategic weight gain to save the blue team. Who says reality TV isn't exciting?
Then, after almost a year of waiting, Nip/Tuck is finally back. I am rejoicing!!
Brian is coming over to watch some of the game, and hopefully Jeff will stay home, too, instead of going out. I will tempt them with hummus and other snacks, and then when I am tired they can both go to the bar together, those crazy boys always going out on a school night. I am glad my best friend and my husband are friends, It's cute, and convenient!!
The comic book convention is in a few weeks, and Jeff is all sorts of worried I will go into labor right as he's selling X-Men comics or whatever. We have backup plans, but there is a chance...
I thought Sam was going to come last night, I was having some pretty nasty contractions, but I think it might have just been Sunday nights chinese dinner.
Tonight is an exciting night for TV. Up at 5 is opening night for the Blazers! They are playing Champions San Antonio, and I hate to bet against my boys but I think it's going to be a massacre and I bet Jeff a quarter on a 20 point spread. I'm just pragmatic.
Then, "The Biggest Loser"- The aftermath, in which we see the repercussions of Nicks dramatic 17 pound strategic weight gain to save the blue team. Who says reality TV isn't exciting?
Then, after almost a year of waiting, Nip/Tuck is finally back. I am rejoicing!!
Brian is coming over to watch some of the game, and hopefully Jeff will stay home, too, instead of going out. I will tempt them with hummus and other snacks, and then when I am tired they can both go to the bar together, those crazy boys always going out on a school night. I am glad my best friend and my husband are friends, It's cute, and convenient!!
The comic book convention is in a few weeks, and Jeff is all sorts of worried I will go into labor right as he's selling X-Men comics or whatever. We have backup plans, but there is a chance...
I thought Sam was going to come last night, I was having some pretty nasty contractions, but I think it might have just been Sunday nights chinese dinner.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Miss Me?
Well, the weekend is over, and I am very sad. That day and a half seems to go so quickly. Especially when Jeff and I spent the better part of Sunday morning going around (he went around, I stayed in bed and hollered from upstairs) looking at all the clocks and trying to decide if it was actually daylight savings time. We had heard that it was, then read that it wasn't till the 4th of November. We were pretty sure our phones changed automatically, but for some reason the DVD clock upstairs and the computer were showing an hour earlier. Very confusing. Then we figured who cares, it's Sunday lets just go have breakfast.
After the Paradox, which I like much better now that I know I can order off the lunch menu, we walked down Belmont looking for a store called "Polliwog" that my friend Lisa had gotten her baby sling at. I was so sure it where it was, but we couldn't find it. Jeff said it was under the Confundus Charm, which it probably was. So we got back in the car and it was one block further.
The store was so cute, and by that I mean that we could not even afford to buy a pair of baby socks in it. The saleswoman was totally helpful, though, and explained about all the differences, features and benefits of all kinds of slings. She even opened up packages so I could try different sizes on. I ended up liking the Hotslings brand, so I just went home and ordered through the website, where they were $30 cheaper.
The rest of the weekend was spent trolling around thrift stores looking for rocking chairs, but I finally found one on Craig's List. It's gold velvet(!!!) and looks just like my favorite reading chair I used to have in my room when I was growing up, And it was only $20. And nostalgic. I loved that chair. I think it was my grandmom Ruth's.
2 more weeks of work until maternity leave, and I am counting the days. Aunt Aileen, I hope you bet on Curlin for the Breeders Cup like you did on the Preakness. He won and was kind of a long shot, so you would have made some money. If you did, I want a cut because I gave you that tip!!
I did not think it was possible to go the bathroom any more than I have been, but the last few days it has literally been every 20 minutes. We are going through a lot of TP here at the Klein-Morehead residence. Will it ever end?
Tomorrow is the big day!! Opening day of the NBA, and the season premier of Nip/Tuck!! 2 of my favorite things. Oh! and by the way, Survivor is really getting good. I usually don't care about anyone until the merge, and it looks like that is coming next week. I love that they brought the gross food challenge back, this I think was the grossest one next to all stars where the loved ones had to eat live roaches and big spiders. But the baby turtles, shell and all, that was right up there. Oh, another gross one was Palau where they mixed gross things in a blender. But at least there weren't eyeballs looking at you.
It was too bad that Todd's brilliant plan was thwarted, though, even though I failed to see the logic of giving James the immunity idol, they could have just told him where the other one was. Now, the arguably strongest person in the game has 2 immunity idols, right in time for individual challenges. Hello one million dollars, James!! And could Todd and Amanda have been less discrete in finding that idol in the first place? Jeesh! Amateurs!
Must remember to buy Halloween candy today, although the chances of trick or treaters in my area are slim to none, unless they are trick or treating for meth.
After the Paradox, which I like much better now that I know I can order off the lunch menu, we walked down Belmont looking for a store called "Polliwog" that my friend Lisa had gotten her baby sling at. I was so sure it where it was, but we couldn't find it. Jeff said it was under the Confundus Charm, which it probably was. So we got back in the car and it was one block further.
The store was so cute, and by that I mean that we could not even afford to buy a pair of baby socks in it. The saleswoman was totally helpful, though, and explained about all the differences, features and benefits of all kinds of slings. She even opened up packages so I could try different sizes on. I ended up liking the Hotslings brand, so I just went home and ordered through the website, where they were $30 cheaper.
The rest of the weekend was spent trolling around thrift stores looking for rocking chairs, but I finally found one on Craig's List. It's gold velvet(!!!) and looks just like my favorite reading chair I used to have in my room when I was growing up, And it was only $20. And nostalgic. I loved that chair. I think it was my grandmom Ruth's.
2 more weeks of work until maternity leave, and I am counting the days. Aunt Aileen, I hope you bet on Curlin for the Breeders Cup like you did on the Preakness. He won and was kind of a long shot, so you would have made some money. If you did, I want a cut because I gave you that tip!!
I did not think it was possible to go the bathroom any more than I have been, but the last few days it has literally been every 20 minutes. We are going through a lot of TP here at the Klein-Morehead residence. Will it ever end?
Tomorrow is the big day!! Opening day of the NBA, and the season premier of Nip/Tuck!! 2 of my favorite things. Oh! and by the way, Survivor is really getting good. I usually don't care about anyone until the merge, and it looks like that is coming next week. I love that they brought the gross food challenge back, this I think was the grossest one next to all stars where the loved ones had to eat live roaches and big spiders. But the baby turtles, shell and all, that was right up there. Oh, another gross one was Palau where they mixed gross things in a blender. But at least there weren't eyeballs looking at you.
It was too bad that Todd's brilliant plan was thwarted, though, even though I failed to see the logic of giving James the immunity idol, they could have just told him where the other one was. Now, the arguably strongest person in the game has 2 immunity idols, right in time for individual challenges. Hello one million dollars, James!! And could Todd and Amanda have been less discrete in finding that idol in the first place? Jeesh! Amateurs!
Must remember to buy Halloween candy today, although the chances of trick or treaters in my area are slim to none, unless they are trick or treating for meth.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Breeders Cup
Loyal readers- The next few days is The Breeders Cup, a big Horse Racing day at Monmouth Park in New Jersey. Due to a lot of gambling fools, I will be super busy at work and will probably not to make entries for a while, seeing as I do the bulk of my blogging here. So, see you on Monday!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
New Glasses
So I picked up my cute new glasses yesterday and did the stupidest thing. In my haste to be able to see clearly, I forgot the repercussions of a new prescription. As I was ripping my contacts out of my eyeballs, where they were almost fused, I was tossing them blithely into the trash while thinking "hey this might not be such a good idea." Indeed. You know what happens with new glasses. Sure, I could see, but the whole world was tilted up and I ended up walking through the mall with deliberate steps looking a drunk fool. Then I got in my car and sat for a while because I was afraid to drive home.
When I got home I had to crawl up my front steps because I could not tell how high they were. I finally got inside and sat down, turned on the TV and did not have to squint once at the menu, when usually I have to stand up to look at it. Yes, I know, I waited too long. Hindsight as well is 20/20.
I have gotten a lot of complements on them already, And I am already used to seeing them on my face, even though when I get up in the middle of the night everything is all fuzzy and I can't see the clock, so I have to look at my phone because I like to see how many hours (or minutes, in today's case) I have left to sleep.
When I got home I had to crawl up my front steps because I could not tell how high they were. I finally got inside and sat down, turned on the TV and did not have to squint once at the menu, when usually I have to stand up to look at it. Yes, I know, I waited too long. Hindsight as well is 20/20.
I have gotten a lot of complements on them already, And I am already used to seeing them on my face, even though when I get up in the middle of the night everything is all fuzzy and I can't see the clock, so I have to look at my phone because I like to see how many hours (or minutes, in today's case) I have left to sleep.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
36 Weeks....
I have been having little contractions lately. Not bad, like I am going into labor, but enough that I am aware of them. I have also been dreaming of babies. Some so real that I wake up and listen for them.
We had our home visit last night, by Dr. Ed, Gabriel and Shawna, his interns. They were all so sweet and walked us through exactly what was going to happen, when to call them, etc. Of course, being me, I worry about disturbing people in the middle of the night, and feeling guilty for calling too soon. Then they said "It's ok, this is what we love to do" and all of a sudden I knew it was going to be ok, these people are awesome.
We discussed where I would labor and I told them I was pretty intent on 2 things- ruining the blue chair and Jeff's "Chaos Incorporated" work shirt that I hate. So I will labor in that shirt on that chair and hopefully bleed or whatever over them both. They said that after the baby comes they will put him right on me and just let us hang out together, and that after he's Apgar tested or whatever it is they do they will leave the 3 of us alone for a while while they clean up. I don't think they do that in the hospital.
We bought a 5-in 1 bassinet/bedside sleeper/portable bassinet/changing table thing this weekend (it's still in the basement, daddy). We had to get it then because it was the one I wanted and was being discontinued and the one we found was the only one in Oregon. Plus, since we got the floor model we didn't have to put it together, and after our gift card and the floor model discount I talked them into it only cost us like $25, plus they threw in a warranty.
So we will use that for a while until the real furniture comes, and have decided, after being encouraged by Dr. Ed, that Sam can just sleep with us for the first few weeks.
My glasses are ready today!! I am so excited to see!!
Also, Happy 31st birthday to my sister Mandi yesterday!
We had our home visit last night, by Dr. Ed, Gabriel and Shawna, his interns. They were all so sweet and walked us through exactly what was going to happen, when to call them, etc. Of course, being me, I worry about disturbing people in the middle of the night, and feeling guilty for calling too soon. Then they said "It's ok, this is what we love to do" and all of a sudden I knew it was going to be ok, these people are awesome.
We discussed where I would labor and I told them I was pretty intent on 2 things- ruining the blue chair and Jeff's "Chaos Incorporated" work shirt that I hate. So I will labor in that shirt on that chair and hopefully bleed or whatever over them both. They said that after the baby comes they will put him right on me and just let us hang out together, and that after he's Apgar tested or whatever it is they do they will leave the 3 of us alone for a while while they clean up. I don't think they do that in the hospital.
We bought a 5-in 1 bassinet/bedside sleeper/portable bassinet/changing table thing this weekend (it's still in the basement, daddy). We had to get it then because it was the one I wanted and was being discontinued and the one we found was the only one in Oregon. Plus, since we got the floor model we didn't have to put it together, and after our gift card and the floor model discount I talked them into it only cost us like $25, plus they threw in a warranty.
So we will use that for a while until the real furniture comes, and have decided, after being encouraged by Dr. Ed, that Sam can just sleep with us for the first few weeks.
My glasses are ready today!! I am so excited to see!!
Also, Happy 31st birthday to my sister Mandi yesterday!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Don't Be That Guy
So this is a long story. I think that in the early 90's there was this movie, I don't remember it ever being out in the theaters but it was shown on Comedy Central every 5 minutes. It was called PCU and starred a not-very-famous yet Jeremy Piven. Anyway, he was in a fraternity on a very politically correct campus, and his fraternity was made up of all the drunks and losers who just wanted to have a good time but were thwarted by other people that were insulted by their low- brow hi-jinks.
So in one of the scenes, the members of the frat were going to go see a concert, and here is my point. One of the guys was wearing a t-shirt of the band that they WERE GOING TO SEE!! Jeremy Pivin told him to "not be that guy", and that sound advice has stuck with me at every show I go to and see the lame folks in their concert t-shirts of the band they are seeing. Even worse when they rock the shirt they JUST bought at the souvinier stand.
The point of all this is that last night, Pam, Kathy, Jenny our respective spouses and I had a Def Leppard concert reunion party, in which we watched the stunning cinematic achievment "Hysteria, the Def Lepard Story." I think it really gave us some valuble insight into the psyche of that band, and also provided us with an awesome drinking game that I will re-visit when I can drink. The game was, and here you will see where this all ends up, is that every time a member of the band in the movie is spotted wearing a Def Leppard T-shirt (this happens alot) or listens to a Def Leppard tape (cassette tape!!! million dollar rock stars!!) you take a shot. If we had been drinking we would have been puking all over Jenny's lovely furniture.
I think we all agree the best scene- and it was hard to choose, there were so many- was when Rick Allen, the drummer for those who don't know, high on coke and booze and driving fast in his '84 whatever playing chicken with a Mercades and listening to "Rockit," I think, flips his car over the embankment. As his lady friend walks around dazed, Rick stands up- AND HE DOSEN'T HAVE AN ARM!!! It is in fact lying next to the smoking wreck of his car.
Does this stop him from being a kick ass drummer? Hell no!! Just an opportunity for 1 more dramatic montage in a movie chock full of them!!
So thank you Jenny for hosting this party, and for making the chocolate chip cookies that Jeff ate so many of that his jeans barely fit on him this morning!!
Tonight Dr. Ed is coming for his home visit. I had dreams all night of the baby being born. We are so close now!! 36 weeks tomorrow!!
So in one of the scenes, the members of the frat were going to go see a concert, and here is my point. One of the guys was wearing a t-shirt of the band that they WERE GOING TO SEE!! Jeremy Pivin told him to "not be that guy", and that sound advice has stuck with me at every show I go to and see the lame folks in their concert t-shirts of the band they are seeing. Even worse when they rock the shirt they JUST bought at the souvinier stand.
The point of all this is that last night, Pam, Kathy, Jenny our respective spouses and I had a Def Leppard concert reunion party, in which we watched the stunning cinematic achievment "Hysteria, the Def Lepard Story." I think it really gave us some valuble insight into the psyche of that band, and also provided us with an awesome drinking game that I will re-visit when I can drink. The game was, and here you will see where this all ends up, is that every time a member of the band in the movie is spotted wearing a Def Leppard T-shirt (this happens alot) or listens to a Def Leppard tape (cassette tape!!! million dollar rock stars!!) you take a shot. If we had been drinking we would have been puking all over Jenny's lovely furniture.
I think we all agree the best scene- and it was hard to choose, there were so many- was when Rick Allen, the drummer for those who don't know, high on coke and booze and driving fast in his '84 whatever playing chicken with a Mercades and listening to "Rockit," I think, flips his car over the embankment. As his lady friend walks around dazed, Rick stands up- AND HE DOSEN'T HAVE AN ARM!!! It is in fact lying next to the smoking wreck of his car.
Does this stop him from being a kick ass drummer? Hell no!! Just an opportunity for 1 more dramatic montage in a movie chock full of them!!
So thank you Jenny for hosting this party, and for making the chocolate chip cookies that Jeff ate so many of that his jeans barely fit on him this morning!!
Tonight Dr. Ed is coming for his home visit. I had dreams all night of the baby being born. We are so close now!! 36 weeks tomorrow!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Jeff Probst is Pissed
On Thursday's Survivor, there was the inevitable plot twist that sent 2 tribe members from each tribe to the other tribe. The upshot of this was that the lame weak tribe (who were idiots and thought that only they were getting new members) took the two strongest players from the other side. Good strategy. They then went on to theorize that if the other tribe lost the next 2 challenges, both of their origional members would be kicked out. So the 2 crafty girls made a plan, and decided to throw the challenge in order to kick Aaron off and keep their origional team strong. This was smart, actually, if their assumptions are true that
1. They will merge at 10 as usual
2. The tribe members don't switch back (even if they do, it's still kind of smart
3. The origional members don't form new alliances ( which is possible, cause no one liked Sherea's lazy ass anyway
4. Some other twist like mutiny or whatever.
Anyway, what made it extra special was that the girls were so obvious about throwing the challenge that it was painful to watch, and ooh boy was Jeff Probst angry!! But, like PG said its not about winning the battles, its about winning the war, and sometimes big risks like that pay off, so kudo's to her for having balls, I guess. All the men did was sit around and bitch and not even try really hard to save themselves, so go figure. Its time for a girl to win anyway, and now I have respect for PG and Jamie, even if she has no poker face.
I loved how on "The Office" last night Michael thought all you had to do to declare bankrupcy was to actually, literally DECLARE it out loud. Genius.
We were going to go to this childcare seminar that our doctor wants us to attend, but i went on line and looked it up and it was $90 per person. Now we have a good excuse not to go, which is awesome because it started at 8:30 on Sunday morning, and our Sundays our precious- i'ts our only day off and we are selfisho with our time together.
Also, I am posting my recipes for Vegan Tofu lasagna and Vegan Sloppy Joe's in the recipe section. They were both a big hit here this week. Carnivores can substitute meat and real cheese if you wish!!
1. They will merge at 10 as usual
2. The tribe members don't switch back (even if they do, it's still kind of smart
3. The origional members don't form new alliances ( which is possible, cause no one liked Sherea's lazy ass anyway
4. Some other twist like mutiny or whatever.
Anyway, what made it extra special was that the girls were so obvious about throwing the challenge that it was painful to watch, and ooh boy was Jeff Probst angry!! But, like PG said its not about winning the battles, its about winning the war, and sometimes big risks like that pay off, so kudo's to her for having balls, I guess. All the men did was sit around and bitch and not even try really hard to save themselves, so go figure. Its time for a girl to win anyway, and now I have respect for PG and Jamie, even if she has no poker face.
I loved how on "The Office" last night Michael thought all you had to do to declare bankrupcy was to actually, literally DECLARE it out loud. Genius.
We were going to go to this childcare seminar that our doctor wants us to attend, but i went on line and looked it up and it was $90 per person. Now we have a good excuse not to go, which is awesome because it started at 8:30 on Sunday morning, and our Sundays our precious- i'ts our only day off and we are selfisho with our time together.
Also, I am posting my recipes for Vegan Tofu lasagna and Vegan Sloppy Joe's in the recipe section. They were both a big hit here this week. Carnivores can substitute meat and real cheese if you wish!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
go here!!!!!!
I had to link this site http://www.mulletjunky.com/ after the mullet conversation today. Laugh out loud funny. Tomorrow i will discuss the shady goings- on from Thursdays Survivor. WHY do people throw challenges? No respect for the game.
Party in the Back
In the Fred Meyer yesterday, while grocery shopping, I came across the lushest, most Kevin-Cronin-esqe mullet that I have seen in ages.
You can tell when someone rocks their mullet with pride because they do shampoo commercial moves like flipping their heads around, and this guy had all the moves.
Is the mullet making a comeback? One of the women (I don't remember her name, cause she has not spoken that much yet, but she is a lunch lady from the Midwest) on Survivor has one, too.
I have a picture of Jeff with a mullet on the refrigerator. I don't know which was better, that or the mohawk.
A mullet, if you don't know, it the "Business in the front, party in the back" hairdo popularized in the eighties, and now worn ironically by hipsters. It's still ugly, and not to be confused with the "skullet", which is bald/balding in front and long and scraggly in the back. A skullet can be seen on my next door basement dwelling neighbor, Chris Cayman of the NBA, I think he plays for the Cavs, or by several people spotted at the recently attended Def Leppard or ZZ Top concerts.
I made vegetarian Sloppy Joe's last night, with the soy crumbles, and they were actually pretty tasty. I also made a 10 pound lasagna with tofu instead of the ricotta that I will probably freeze in anticipation of a time when I can't cook. I am trying to make 2 meals at a time every night now, and freezing one. You can never be too prepared.
This weekend we are going to start rearranging the bedroom and decide where to put all the baby furniture. It's really getting to close to put off any longer.
You can tell when someone rocks their mullet with pride because they do shampoo commercial moves like flipping their heads around, and this guy had all the moves.
Is the mullet making a comeback? One of the women (I don't remember her name, cause she has not spoken that much yet, but she is a lunch lady from the Midwest) on Survivor has one, too.
I have a picture of Jeff with a mullet on the refrigerator. I don't know which was better, that or the mohawk.
A mullet, if you don't know, it the "Business in the front, party in the back" hairdo popularized in the eighties, and now worn ironically by hipsters. It's still ugly, and not to be confused with the "skullet", which is bald/balding in front and long and scraggly in the back. A skullet can be seen on my next door basement dwelling neighbor, Chris Cayman of the NBA, I think he plays for the Cavs, or by several people spotted at the recently attended Def Leppard or ZZ Top concerts.
I made vegetarian Sloppy Joe's last night, with the soy crumbles, and they were actually pretty tasty. I also made a 10 pound lasagna with tofu instead of the ricotta that I will probably freeze in anticipation of a time when I can't cook. I am trying to make 2 meals at a time every night now, and freezing one. You can never be too prepared.
This weekend we are going to start rearranging the bedroom and decide where to put all the baby furniture. It's really getting to close to put off any longer.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Taming of the Shrew
MY. HOUSE. IS. SO. CLEAN. I can't begin to tell you how good it feels. This sweet little girl Oksana came yesterday and in 3 hours accomplished a miracle. And while she was cleaning, I went to the library and got out 3 more cookbooks and 2 more baby books and an actual novel, then went to Target and bought the right sheets. When I got home it was like the Twilight Zone- a very shiny, nice smelling one.
So now, of course, I am a shrew. When poor Jeff came home after a hard day of working in the mud and rain, was I sympathetic? Not at first, I was too busy shrieking "don't you dare take your shoes off in here! Go in through the basement." Then when he was heating up his soy dog I was sarcastic about onion peels in the sink "you know, honey, we don't have a garbage disposal, so that kind of stuff can go right in the garbage." And to add insult to injury i was snarking this as I was walking out the door to go have dinner with my friend Brian. A public, humble apology to my husband, who even did his own dishes before I got home.
Still, I know us, we are the pilers of things so we are going to have to be on our game for the next few weeks, But I am going to be calm about it. At least now the level of cleanliness will be able to be maintained, if I keep on it every few days.
I think Jeff went to sleep at about 8:30 last night, he was so tired after going out the night before to celebrate the end of birthing classes. The only thing i am going to miss about them is the treasure trove of blogging material they provide.
Today it is supposed to storm, with 45 mile an hour winds, and this is the day I saved to go to the grocery store. At least I don't have to work outside, and my plan is to be a nice wife and have something nice and hot ready when my poor soaking husband comes home (through the basement.) So I will leave you now to go leaf through my cookbooks.
So now, of course, I am a shrew. When poor Jeff came home after a hard day of working in the mud and rain, was I sympathetic? Not at first, I was too busy shrieking "don't you dare take your shoes off in here! Go in through the basement." Then when he was heating up his soy dog I was sarcastic about onion peels in the sink "you know, honey, we don't have a garbage disposal, so that kind of stuff can go right in the garbage." And to add insult to injury i was snarking this as I was walking out the door to go have dinner with my friend Brian. A public, humble apology to my husband, who even did his own dishes before I got home.
Still, I know us, we are the pilers of things so we are going to have to be on our game for the next few weeks, But I am going to be calm about it. At least now the level of cleanliness will be able to be maintained, if I keep on it every few days.
I think Jeff went to sleep at about 8:30 last night, he was so tired after going out the night before to celebrate the end of birthing classes. The only thing i am going to miss about them is the treasure trove of blogging material they provide.
Today it is supposed to storm, with 45 mile an hour winds, and this is the day I saved to go to the grocery store. At least I don't have to work outside, and my plan is to be a nice wife and have something nice and hot ready when my poor soaking husband comes home (through the basement.) So I will leave you now to go leaf through my cookbooks.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The Sacred Circle
So as Jeff and I walked into birthing class last night, at 6:30, which was the time class starts, we were all alone, as usual, with the teacher. Why can't people be on time? It's so frustrating to me. Anyway, the class area was darkened, with lit candles, and this horrible caterwauling country music was playing as Karen said "I thought you guys might like to start off by dancing." Now, I love to dance with my husband, but the waiting area of the Northwest Natural Birth Center is not my idea of a perfect venue, nor is some ass clown in a cowboy hat emoting on "When you say Nothing At All" the perfect music. So we sat down on the couch and relaxed and waited for the other couples to join us in this small circle of musical hell.
One other couple arrived; the girl that always wears short skirts and sits with her legs spread, and her husband with the wooden beaded necklace that is always the "volunteer" for demonstrations. We chatted for a bit and then Karen asked the women to join her on the floor in the corner. After shooting Jeff a nervous look I complied.
Turns out the activity du jour was labor sounds. Believe me, it was much more horrifying in person. There were 3 of us women and Karen around a scarf (the men were being "present" in another part of the room) with 5 tea lights and a coyote figurine on a plate. Coyote= howling, get it? So Karen starts rocking back and forth and keening and growling, and wouldn't you know it but we are expected to join in. I feel so bad for our teacher sometimes, because I know she wants loud participation, but its just never going to happen. The class managed a few whispered moans, probably made possible by the ice we were holding to our wrists, and then the men were invited into our sacred circle to echo our cries.
Well, as you can guess, thank goodness everyone's eyes were closed because the minute Karen started up again with the keening and the banging on the floor, and the moaning, I couldn't help it, silent giggles, the kind that won't go away. I had to dig my nail into my flesh, I actually drew blood. I don't think anyone else fared much better. All I kept thinking about was how much my mother would have probably loved this.
Then we watched a video in which people were represented by illustrations of Elk, and it was all about epidurals.
Then on to Post Pardum, then breastfeeding.
We closed with a lullaby.
Then we found out that, unfortunately, out last class next Monday coincides with our very important home visit from Doctor Ed. Sufficed to say we are not all that torn up about it.
The Eye Doctor was just as expected. My eyes are terrible, and my prescription so strange that lenses have to be special ordered and will not be in for 2 weeks. The frames are super cute, though. I hate the test where they blow puffs of air in your eyes. Frighteningly enough, with no glasses or contacts i could not read ANYTHING on the eye chart. Not even the big top line which is always just an "E."
Dr. Ed was ok, except I had to get a horrible pap-smear like test. He is really gung- ho on us going to this seminar this weekend, he has told us about it on 4 separate occasions, and even called me at home to remind me, so it's a good thing we got relaxing out of the way last Sunday, because it seems that this one is going to be action packed, what with that and "Hysteria, the Def Leppard Story" in the afternoon.
The cleaning people are coming today, I am so excited. And then Brian is coming over later for "Prison Break", which I already watched but will happily do so again.
One other couple arrived; the girl that always wears short skirts and sits with her legs spread, and her husband with the wooden beaded necklace that is always the "volunteer" for demonstrations. We chatted for a bit and then Karen asked the women to join her on the floor in the corner. After shooting Jeff a nervous look I complied.
Turns out the activity du jour was labor sounds. Believe me, it was much more horrifying in person. There were 3 of us women and Karen around a scarf (the men were being "present" in another part of the room) with 5 tea lights and a coyote figurine on a plate. Coyote= howling, get it? So Karen starts rocking back and forth and keening and growling, and wouldn't you know it but we are expected to join in. I feel so bad for our teacher sometimes, because I know she wants loud participation, but its just never going to happen. The class managed a few whispered moans, probably made possible by the ice we were holding to our wrists, and then the men were invited into our sacred circle to echo our cries.
Well, as you can guess, thank goodness everyone's eyes were closed because the minute Karen started up again with the keening and the banging on the floor, and the moaning, I couldn't help it, silent giggles, the kind that won't go away. I had to dig my nail into my flesh, I actually drew blood. I don't think anyone else fared much better. All I kept thinking about was how much my mother would have probably loved this.
Then we watched a video in which people were represented by illustrations of Elk, and it was all about epidurals.
Then on to Post Pardum, then breastfeeding.
We closed with a lullaby.
Then we found out that, unfortunately, out last class next Monday coincides with our very important home visit from Doctor Ed. Sufficed to say we are not all that torn up about it.
The Eye Doctor was just as expected. My eyes are terrible, and my prescription so strange that lenses have to be special ordered and will not be in for 2 weeks. The frames are super cute, though. I hate the test where they blow puffs of air in your eyes. Frighteningly enough, with no glasses or contacts i could not read ANYTHING on the eye chart. Not even the big top line which is always just an "E."
Dr. Ed was ok, except I had to get a horrible pap-smear like test. He is really gung- ho on us going to this seminar this weekend, he has told us about it on 4 separate occasions, and even called me at home to remind me, so it's a good thing we got relaxing out of the way last Sunday, because it seems that this one is going to be action packed, what with that and "Hysteria, the Def Leppard Story" in the afternoon.
The cleaning people are coming today, I am so excited. And then Brian is coming over later for "Prison Break", which I already watched but will happily do so again.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Birth Video
So yesterday night we watched the Birth DVD that our birthing class teacher lent us. It was this woman in Mexico actually giving birth. Due to time lapse or whatever it lasted like 15 minutes, but it did not really look that bad. She started having contractions, took a walk, sat in a stream, ate beans and rice, and then got in a bathtub with her husband and pushed the baby out with like 4 moans. No blood, no muss, no fuss. Her 2 younger kids were there, too, and afterwards they all hung out in the tub with the new baby. Wow.
Still, it was kind of beautiful and after we turned on "Freaks and Geeks" I had a moment and shed some tears, because, really, no matter how many times I think about it in a month I am going to be doing the same thing.
I had lunch with my friend Lisa yesterday. It was so funny because we both were thinking about what we were doing last year around this time, and let me tell you it did not involve organic rice bowls and baby conversations(she has a beautiful 4 month old- Violet Rae.) It was so nice to talk to a new mom, and get some practical advice, it actually calmed me down a little. Plus i just miss hanging out with her and hearing Starbucks gossip, of which there is always scads.
Busy day today. Work till noon, eye doctor, Doctor, then birthing class. I cleaned the house yesterday in preparation for the cleaning people who are coming Wednesday. I don't want them to think we are slobs!!
I think I was supposed to bring my "birth bundle" to class tonight. I guess I will have to go home and find a few spiritual things to wrap up in a scarf. Eek.
Still, it was kind of beautiful and after we turned on "Freaks and Geeks" I had a moment and shed some tears, because, really, no matter how many times I think about it in a month I am going to be doing the same thing.
I had lunch with my friend Lisa yesterday. It was so funny because we both were thinking about what we were doing last year around this time, and let me tell you it did not involve organic rice bowls and baby conversations(she has a beautiful 4 month old- Violet Rae.) It was so nice to talk to a new mom, and get some practical advice, it actually calmed me down a little. Plus i just miss hanging out with her and hearing Starbucks gossip, of which there is always scads.
Busy day today. Work till noon, eye doctor, Doctor, then birthing class. I cleaned the house yesterday in preparation for the cleaning people who are coming Wednesday. I don't want them to think we are slobs!!
I think I was supposed to bring my "birth bundle" to class tonight. I guess I will have to go home and find a few spiritual things to wrap up in a scarf. Eek.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Ask me about the Beatles....Really
No, really. At least until they come to America for the first time. I fulfilled my wifely duties by watching the first 2 in a series of 8 tapes of "The Beatles Anthology." I now have a head swimming with Beatles facts, just like my husband. Like, did you know how they came up with their name? Or the name of the bar that they played in Liverpool before they were famous? Or the other 2 guys that were briefly in the band? Well, I do, and if you want to know we will be happy to lend you the series.
I enjoyed most of what I watched from a historical standpoint, but I must say that I still loathe early Beatles, especially "Twist and Shout" and "Love me do." Sorry. I'll enjoy it more when there are George songs.
Yesterday was awesome. I slept in till 10am, which is literally unheard of, then we watched a Beatles tape and went to the Tin Shed for breakfast. There was a super long wait, but it was lovely outside so we just drank coffee and Jeff told me comic book convention stories. We also people and dog watched. Alberta is the best street for that!! Everyone wears interesting clothes and there is such an eclectic mix of people-I could have sat out there all day. Then when we went in we got a seat by the window so we could continue watching people, this time out of earshot of them so we could comment!!!
Then we braved Trader Joe's, which is always and adventure on the weekends. We went home and I baked off the cinnamon-apple rolls i had started the night before. They turned out super good, so after we sampled a few I told Jeff that he needed to bring them to work and get them out of the house. My baking skills are coming along nicely, and would be even better if I had an accurate oven. Again, they turned out better I think because I did not have a recipe, only for the dough.
Saturday, after not learning my lesson of paying attention (buying the Friday paper again instead of the Saturday), we went to Target to pick up a few things. We needed a few more sets of sheets, and I was so excited to see sheets on sale for $9.99. Well, of course the minute we got in the car to go home i had a strange feeling, and, lo and behold, they were flat sheets instead of the fitted sheets I wanted. We also forgot windshield wipers. It's time I learned my lesson about writing lists for Target.
On a good note, storage containers were on sale, so I was able to store a bunch of extraneous crap that has been lying about. I felt like Edina from "Absolutely Fabulous" running around crying " surfaces, darling, I want to see surfaces!!" Now the house will be so mush easier to clean and maintain.
I heard Neil Diamonds' "Solitary Man" on the way to work today. I love Neil Diamond. We made fun of my mom when we drove cross- country with her a million years ago because she kept playing "America," but when I drove from Chicago to California, what song do you think started off my journey? That's right!! Besides, The Jazz Singer is like the best album ever. "Love on the Rocks" is a karaoke favorite of mine. I tried "Girl,You'll be a Woman Soon" once but it sucked.
Today I am having lunch with my friend Lisa and her 4 month old, Violet. I have not seen Lisa for more than a year, and that was at a bar. It's funny how things change in a year... no more bars for us mommies.
Tomorrow is a super busy day. Eye doctor appointment for glasses at 1:00 (ok mommy?), Doctor Ed at 4:15, and the second to last birthing class at 6:30. I know the posts about "Birthing From Within" will be sorely missed, so I'll try to make the next two super- exciting.
I enjoyed most of what I watched from a historical standpoint, but I must say that I still loathe early Beatles, especially "Twist and Shout" and "Love me do." Sorry. I'll enjoy it more when there are George songs.
Yesterday was awesome. I slept in till 10am, which is literally unheard of, then we watched a Beatles tape and went to the Tin Shed for breakfast. There was a super long wait, but it was lovely outside so we just drank coffee and Jeff told me comic book convention stories. We also people and dog watched. Alberta is the best street for that!! Everyone wears interesting clothes and there is such an eclectic mix of people-I could have sat out there all day. Then when we went in we got a seat by the window so we could continue watching people, this time out of earshot of them so we could comment!!!
Then we braved Trader Joe's, which is always and adventure on the weekends. We went home and I baked off the cinnamon-apple rolls i had started the night before. They turned out super good, so after we sampled a few I told Jeff that he needed to bring them to work and get them out of the house. My baking skills are coming along nicely, and would be even better if I had an accurate oven. Again, they turned out better I think because I did not have a recipe, only for the dough.
Saturday, after not learning my lesson of paying attention (buying the Friday paper again instead of the Saturday), we went to Target to pick up a few things. We needed a few more sets of sheets, and I was so excited to see sheets on sale for $9.99. Well, of course the minute we got in the car to go home i had a strange feeling, and, lo and behold, they were flat sheets instead of the fitted sheets I wanted. We also forgot windshield wipers. It's time I learned my lesson about writing lists for Target.
On a good note, storage containers were on sale, so I was able to store a bunch of extraneous crap that has been lying about. I felt like Edina from "Absolutely Fabulous" running around crying " surfaces, darling, I want to see surfaces!!" Now the house will be so mush easier to clean and maintain.
I heard Neil Diamonds' "Solitary Man" on the way to work today. I love Neil Diamond. We made fun of my mom when we drove cross- country with her a million years ago because she kept playing "America," but when I drove from Chicago to California, what song do you think started off my journey? That's right!! Besides, The Jazz Singer is like the best album ever. "Love on the Rocks" is a karaoke favorite of mine. I tried "Girl,You'll be a Woman Soon" once but it sucked.
Today I am having lunch with my friend Lisa and her 4 month old, Violet. I have not seen Lisa for more than a year, and that was at a bar. It's funny how things change in a year... no more bars for us mommies.
Tomorrow is a super busy day. Eye doctor appointment for glasses at 1:00 (ok mommy?), Doctor Ed at 4:15, and the second to last birthing class at 6:30. I know the posts about "Birthing From Within" will be sorely missed, so I'll try to make the next two super- exciting.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I stopped at (gasp) the Starbucks in the Fred Meyer because I started work later today. I really wanted a Pumpkin Spice Chai. So I got my newspaper there and when I got to work to xerox a copy of the crossword for Jeff, what would you know I bought Friday's paper again! So frustrating. So I had to copy work's copy, and do my crossword on white paper, and I don't have the sports section so I can't read about how badly the Blazers got their butts handed to them last night by the Nuggets.
I made Tofu Parmigiana last, which actually tasted alot better than it sounds. the trick is to freeze the tofu for a while, therefore imparting a chewier, more chicken-y texture.
Five and a half hours to go until my weekend!! We have to run to target and get storage containers, windshield wipers, a new trash can and a digital thermometer, then pack up some extraneous stuff and put it in the attic. then I am free free free to relax!!
Next week I am going to go to the eye doctor and get cute glasses, and also get my house cleaned!! Woo Hoo!!
I am so glad creepy Dave the hugger got kicked off of Survivor. I can't wait to see what the big twist is!! Are they changing up teams again?
I made Tofu Parmigiana last, which actually tasted alot better than it sounds. the trick is to freeze the tofu for a while, therefore imparting a chewier, more chicken-y texture.
Five and a half hours to go until my weekend!! We have to run to target and get storage containers, windshield wipers, a new trash can and a digital thermometer, then pack up some extraneous stuff and put it in the attic. then I am free free free to relax!!
Next week I am going to go to the eye doctor and get cute glasses, and also get my house cleaned!! Woo Hoo!!
I am so glad creepy Dave the hugger got kicked off of Survivor. I can't wait to see what the big twist is!! Are they changing up teams again?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Feelin' Groovy
I am sitting at work now sipping the biggest cup of "pregnancy tea." I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to do, but my throat is scratchy and I figure I might as well try to kill two birds with one stone and soothe my throat and strengthen my uterus at the same time.
Happy 23rd birthday to my awesome sister Nadine! Check her out at www.kswt.com to see her in all of her anchorwoman glory. However I remember when she was born so I feel old, old old.
The weather is turning cold and i love it!! All I want to do is cook when its miserable and rainy. Last night i made mushroom- barley soup, and the best part is that it will probably be even better today! I also made us eat at the table last night and not in front of the TV, which we have been getting in the bad habit of doing. It's good to connect and I want to make sure that when Sam is born we have family dinners. My family eats so fast that I have been trying to slow it down, and talk about our days, even though it seems all we talk about is baby, baby baby, but really can you blame us? We are so excited.
Happy 23rd birthday to my awesome sister Nadine! Check her out at www.kswt.com to see her in all of her anchorwoman glory. However I remember when she was born so I feel old, old old.
The weather is turning cold and i love it!! All I want to do is cook when its miserable and rainy. Last night i made mushroom- barley soup, and the best part is that it will probably be even better today! I also made us eat at the table last night and not in front of the TV, which we have been getting in the bad habit of doing. It's good to connect and I want to make sure that when Sam is born we have family dinners. My family eats so fast that I have been trying to slow it down, and talk about our days, even though it seems all we talk about is baby, baby baby, but really can you blame us? We are so excited.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Portland 111, L.A Clippers 102
And everyone gets a free Chalupa!! I guess we are off to a great start. In other Basketball news it looks like Luke Ridnour is going to have to wear a sexy face mask ala Rip Hamilton because of our favorite King, Ron Artest, formerly responsible for the infamous "Malice in the Palace."
Today after work I can finally go grocery shopping. I think what I am going to do next week is get some of those freezer Tupperware things and make a bunch of meals that can be frozen then go straight into the oven, so that as I get closer I don't really have to think much about cooking, and also so I will have stuff to feed the birthing team.
My doctors appointments are every 2 weeks now, so you can imagine how fast time is moving for me.
I feel a whole lot better today than I did yesterday, I just might have needed a long nap and a good nights sleep. I guess I will be used to not sleeping through the night, because I get up at least 3 times a night to go to the bathroom. And usually at the same time every night; 12:58, 2:12 and 4:50, like clockwork. It's eerie, and kind of makes me mad because the last time is so close to when I have to wake up that it seems like by the time I get comfortable and fall asleep again my alarm goes off.
On Sunday I have to make good on my birthday promise to Jeff and watch his 10 video series on The Beatles. And he STILL won't watch Survivor. I said I would do it only if we could stay in bed and watch it and he got all happy because I guess John and Ono had a "Bed In" and so this would kind of be a tribute, only i am not protesting anything, except maybe having to watch 20 hours of Beatles footage.
Isn't there a law against white pants after Labor Day? We were out last Tuesday and I saw at least 3 pairs. Not only do I believe this is dangerous in muddy Portland, but a huge faux pas. But then I looked at some of the things I have been running around in over the last few weeks and decided to let it go.
I finally finished the Titans of Chaos series that Pam lent me. It was kind of a struggle to get through because it was so mathematical, but I really enjoyed the characters. It is always bittersweet to finish a series, because you are so emotionally invested for so long and then its over. I am going to read "Lonesome Dove" next because it's one of the only Larry McMurtry books I have not read, and supposedly a Morehead family favorite.
I have been cleaning out my closets and sold a bunch of clothes to Buffalo Exchange on Tuesday. It feels good to purge things I have not worn for a while. And I made enough money to buy the Birthing Kit that we need to get.
I think we left the bath salts our Birthing teacher gave us in the back seat of my car, because all of a sudden it smells like a Dead show in there, which is better than smelling like Taco Bell and Feet, which is how it smelled before. Those bath salts are supposed to be something that Jeff was assigned to do for me- make me a foot bath and give me a foot massage, and I am not supposed to have to do anything in return. Maybe last weeks class wasn't so bad after all!!
I was bored at work on Tuesday so I played with the on line Target baby registry. Fun!!!
This Saturday my goal is to streamline all the knick-knaks that are everywhere- throw away old candles, organize loose CD's, get rid of clutter, so the house will be easy to clean and a bit more baby proof, which is what I am most concerned about. All of the jewlelry and stuff I have out I am going to find drawer space for, as well as bowls, pots and pans. Anything i have not used for more than a year- its OUT!! That will feel good.
Also, since we are not leaving the house on Sunday, I am going to defrost the rest of the Pecan roll dough and concoct something. My friend made apple butter, so I am going to spread the dough with that and some sauteed apples and rasins and extra crumb toppng I have left over from banana bread and drizzle it with a glaze and see how that works out.
Today after work I can finally go grocery shopping. I think what I am going to do next week is get some of those freezer Tupperware things and make a bunch of meals that can be frozen then go straight into the oven, so that as I get closer I don't really have to think much about cooking, and also so I will have stuff to feed the birthing team.
My doctors appointments are every 2 weeks now, so you can imagine how fast time is moving for me.
I feel a whole lot better today than I did yesterday, I just might have needed a long nap and a good nights sleep. I guess I will be used to not sleeping through the night, because I get up at least 3 times a night to go to the bathroom. And usually at the same time every night; 12:58, 2:12 and 4:50, like clockwork. It's eerie, and kind of makes me mad because the last time is so close to when I have to wake up that it seems like by the time I get comfortable and fall asleep again my alarm goes off.
On Sunday I have to make good on my birthday promise to Jeff and watch his 10 video series on The Beatles. And he STILL won't watch Survivor. I said I would do it only if we could stay in bed and watch it and he got all happy because I guess John and Ono had a "Bed In" and so this would kind of be a tribute, only i am not protesting anything, except maybe having to watch 20 hours of Beatles footage.
Isn't there a law against white pants after Labor Day? We were out last Tuesday and I saw at least 3 pairs. Not only do I believe this is dangerous in muddy Portland, but a huge faux pas. But then I looked at some of the things I have been running around in over the last few weeks and decided to let it go.
I finally finished the Titans of Chaos series that Pam lent me. It was kind of a struggle to get through because it was so mathematical, but I really enjoyed the characters. It is always bittersweet to finish a series, because you are so emotionally invested for so long and then its over. I am going to read "Lonesome Dove" next because it's one of the only Larry McMurtry books I have not read, and supposedly a Morehead family favorite.
I have been cleaning out my closets and sold a bunch of clothes to Buffalo Exchange on Tuesday. It feels good to purge things I have not worn for a while. And I made enough money to buy the Birthing Kit that we need to get.
I think we left the bath salts our Birthing teacher gave us in the back seat of my car, because all of a sudden it smells like a Dead show in there, which is better than smelling like Taco Bell and Feet, which is how it smelled before. Those bath salts are supposed to be something that Jeff was assigned to do for me- make me a foot bath and give me a foot massage, and I am not supposed to have to do anything in return. Maybe last weeks class wasn't so bad after all!!
I was bored at work on Tuesday so I played with the on line Target baby registry. Fun!!!
This Saturday my goal is to streamline all the knick-knaks that are everywhere- throw away old candles, organize loose CD's, get rid of clutter, so the house will be easy to clean and a bit more baby proof, which is what I am most concerned about. All of the jewlelry and stuff I have out I am going to find drawer space for, as well as bowls, pots and pans. Anything i have not used for more than a year- its OUT!! That will feel good.
Also, since we are not leaving the house on Sunday, I am going to defrost the rest of the Pecan roll dough and concoct something. My friend made apple butter, so I am going to spread the dough with that and some sauteed apples and rasins and extra crumb toppng I have left over from banana bread and drizzle it with a glaze and see how that works out.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Today I feel crappy and nauseous and tired, so I am going to go home and go to sleep. It's also pouring, which makes me want to be in bed even more. I even called in sick to Brian, which I never do. We have 3 more episodes of Weeds to watch, so when Jeff comes home if its nice out maybe we'll get some fresh air then I'll make him light a fire and just relax.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Eye of the Tiger
Ah birthing class. Last night we were instructed to wear messy clothes, because we would be painting and doing other types of fun art projects. The painting involved meditating on a rock for 15 minutes, then wiping the image from our mind and painting whatever. I looked around and everyone's pictures were swirly and heavily colored, and mine was not. This is why I do not like art projects. Also, halfway through the teacher got up and splashed water on some of the paintings, I guess to illustrate the "tigers" that come up during labor. none got on mine but she got alot on Jeff's. I know how seriously he takes art and i was thinking to myself "whoa, lady, now you've done it" but he kept his cool. Mine might have benefited from a splash or two.
We spoke more about tigers, and how to look in their eyes and lock them away. Of course you can imagine that I am trying not to say "So we are to rise up to the challenge of our rivals?" and so on, that of course being a line from the magnificent opus "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor, which was in my head the rest of the night.
Then on to pain coping, which, to Karen's chagrin no one had again practiced over the week. I held the ice to my wrist this time, instead of in my hand. By the way, this freaking HURTS!!
Then for the last round our partners had to hold the ice on us and help us cope. This is a reenactment:
Me: Just put it on my wrist
Jeff: ok, do you want me to say anything?
M: No, just hold my hand
J: I can't help feeling that I am doing this too you
M: um, you are...
Jeff: I guess you're right
M: If you think about it, you did this whole thing to me, its all kind of your fault
M&J: hysterical laughter, which not only took my mind off the pain, but also probably annoyed everyone around us that was chanting "seeing hearing touch breath"
Oh well.
Then we were separated into women and men again and got to play with clay, which was fun and reminded me of summer camp except no one was trying to make a bong.
Its nice to have women time and all, but we talked in the car on the ride home and agreed that we took these classes because we wanted to learn how to do things together. So far all we have done together is hold ice to our wrists.
But we only have 2 more classes to go, so we will suck it up.
34 weeks today, for those of you counting down with me!!
I entered this thing that Pam did last year where you blog every day for the month of November and then get entered to win a prize. It sounds fun, and I guess there is a lot of opportunity to read other blogs, and to have people read yours etc.. The only way I can see this getting tricky, is, of course, if Sam is born on time. Even so i think it would make for interesting reading, and I can always set aside a few minuted a day to write something. Pam won the Grand Prize last year!!
We spoke more about tigers, and how to look in their eyes and lock them away. Of course you can imagine that I am trying not to say "So we are to rise up to the challenge of our rivals?" and so on, that of course being a line from the magnificent opus "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor, which was in my head the rest of the night.
Then on to pain coping, which, to Karen's chagrin no one had again practiced over the week. I held the ice to my wrist this time, instead of in my hand. By the way, this freaking HURTS!!
Then for the last round our partners had to hold the ice on us and help us cope. This is a reenactment:
Me: Just put it on my wrist
Jeff: ok, do you want me to say anything?
M: No, just hold my hand
J: I can't help feeling that I am doing this too you
M: um, you are...
Jeff: I guess you're right
M: If you think about it, you did this whole thing to me, its all kind of your fault
M&J: hysterical laughter, which not only took my mind off the pain, but also probably annoyed everyone around us that was chanting "seeing hearing touch breath"
Oh well.
Then we were separated into women and men again and got to play with clay, which was fun and reminded me of summer camp except no one was trying to make a bong.
Its nice to have women time and all, but we talked in the car on the ride home and agreed that we took these classes because we wanted to learn how to do things together. So far all we have done together is hold ice to our wrists.
But we only have 2 more classes to go, so we will suck it up.
34 weeks today, for those of you counting down with me!!
I entered this thing that Pam did last year where you blog every day for the month of November and then get entered to win a prize. It sounds fun, and I guess there is a lot of opportunity to read other blogs, and to have people read yours etc.. The only way I can see this getting tricky, is, of course, if Sam is born on time. Even so i think it would make for interesting reading, and I can always set aside a few minuted a day to write something. Pam won the Grand Prize last year!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Monday, Monday...
I wish that we had done something super interesting this weekend to write about, but it seems to me that we just ate leftovers and watched TV, with a road trip to Pendleton thrown in for good measure.
Yes, Hobbes the cat is now enjoying her new home in Boise, Idaho with Carolyn. She was so cute on the trip up. She had been howling and carrying on, as cats do, in her carrier, so Jeff suggested I put a blanket on my lap and let her hang out there. That lasted all of 10 minutes, and by then I was covered in cat hair. Then she went right over to Jeff and slept happily on his lap for 2 hours. I think my husband is the animal- whisperer.
I am also very glad I do not live in Pendleton.
I would call it a one horse town, but I think the town is actually mostly horses, and a Wal-Mart.
When we got home last night I made Jeff sit through 3 and a half hours of Nip/Tuck. I think he loves it!!
This is going to be a very long week. Since we are broke, I signed up for a bunch of overtime this week, which means I am essentially working 10 hour days most of the week. Plus, after I get off today we have our birthing class which is in Vancouver tonight. I am exhausted thinking about this week. I told Jeff next Sunday I am not getting out of bed. Plus we did not practice breathing and pain-coping for class tonight.
Sorry I sound so grumpy today. Ill read the paper and do the crossword and see if something cheers me up.
Duh!! I totally forgot that we went and saw "Across the Universe" on Saturday. Usually the prospect of spending 2 hours with Beatles songs would have me breaking out in hives, but I really loved this movie. There was not much plot to speak of, it was mostly driven by the music, but it was visually stunning, the cast was wonderful, and I was impressed with myself that I recognized Joe Cocker in a cameo. Jeff said later that the hardest thing for him was to not turn to me and dispense trivia every 5 minutes. I had to laugh. Anyway I enjoyed it thoroughly. We had to go see it at the Lloyd Center, and not our typical Century Cinemas, so that threw us off a bit. Regal Cinemas, which I avoid like the plague, play 20 minutes of commercials. Century's matinees are a dollar cheaper, have little "behind the scenes" vignettes, and also feature "Front Row Joe," whom I think is some kind of fox- like creature who dances with concessions. Jeff loves him. I always try to figure out why his female fox companion wears shoes, while he does not. Puzzling. I don't recall previews for any must-see movies, but I am sick of the preview for a movie called "August Rush" which features Robin Williams looking disconcertingly like "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"- era Bono.
Yes, Hobbes the cat is now enjoying her new home in Boise, Idaho with Carolyn. She was so cute on the trip up. She had been howling and carrying on, as cats do, in her carrier, so Jeff suggested I put a blanket on my lap and let her hang out there. That lasted all of 10 minutes, and by then I was covered in cat hair. Then she went right over to Jeff and slept happily on his lap for 2 hours. I think my husband is the animal- whisperer.
I am also very glad I do not live in Pendleton.
I would call it a one horse town, but I think the town is actually mostly horses, and a Wal-Mart.
When we got home last night I made Jeff sit through 3 and a half hours of Nip/Tuck. I think he loves it!!
This is going to be a very long week. Since we are broke, I signed up for a bunch of overtime this week, which means I am essentially working 10 hour days most of the week. Plus, after I get off today we have our birthing class which is in Vancouver tonight. I am exhausted thinking about this week. I told Jeff next Sunday I am not getting out of bed. Plus we did not practice breathing and pain-coping for class tonight.
Sorry I sound so grumpy today. Ill read the paper and do the crossword and see if something cheers me up.
Duh!! I totally forgot that we went and saw "Across the Universe" on Saturday. Usually the prospect of spending 2 hours with Beatles songs would have me breaking out in hives, but I really loved this movie. There was not much plot to speak of, it was mostly driven by the music, but it was visually stunning, the cast was wonderful, and I was impressed with myself that I recognized Joe Cocker in a cameo. Jeff said later that the hardest thing for him was to not turn to me and dispense trivia every 5 minutes. I had to laugh. Anyway I enjoyed it thoroughly. We had to go see it at the Lloyd Center, and not our typical Century Cinemas, so that threw us off a bit. Regal Cinemas, which I avoid like the plague, play 20 minutes of commercials. Century's matinees are a dollar cheaper, have little "behind the scenes" vignettes, and also feature "Front Row Joe," whom I think is some kind of fox- like creature who dances with concessions. Jeff loves him. I always try to figure out why his female fox companion wears shoes, while he does not. Puzzling. I don't recall previews for any must-see movies, but I am sick of the preview for a movie called "August Rush" which features Robin Williams looking disconcertingly like "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"- era Bono.
Friday, October 5, 2007
I'm so glad I used paper plates...
We had a really nice birthday party for Jeff last night, though I am glad I used paper plates because after 6 hours of cooking I was exhausted and the thought of doing one more dish then absolutely necessary was horrifying. The guests included Jeff's' boss Bob and his wife Marge, His co-worker Brian and girlfriend Judy, Pam and Bob and my friend Brian. Jeff wanted a Mexican fiesta, so that's what he got! I made marinated flank steak fajitas, black beans with chili cornbread, Mexican rice, guacamole, and many little bowls of condiments. And of course yummy soy faux meat crumbles for my beloved. I am thrilled because everyone ate a lot, and I had enough leftovers for Jeff to have lunch today, but for nothing to hang out and get lost in the refrigerator. Perfect!
And my record player birthday cake!! I was thrilled with the way it turned out. However what it taught me is that I have to re-assess my goal of becoming a maverick cake decorator this winter, because I really lack the patience it takes to make a crumb coat, refrigerate layers, and all in all take my time. So I am glad I did not win any of the decorating stuff that I bid for on e-bay.
And everyone was gone by 9:45 so I could go to sleep! Now that's what I call a rousing success.
I am excited to have a quiet night alone with Jeff tonight, though. We have been running around, it seems, all week. So tonight it will be silence and TV!! I can hardly wait.
I did the best I could taking pictures of the cake etc. on my phone, but check out Pam's blog today, her's will probably be better, and include the birthday boy.
http://www.pamrentz.com/ for those of you who don't know. You can skip looking at the Def Leppard concert pictures, though, because I look horrible and also seem to be doing something weird with my hands.
And my record player birthday cake!! I was thrilled with the way it turned out. However what it taught me is that I have to re-assess my goal of becoming a maverick cake decorator this winter, because I really lack the patience it takes to make a crumb coat, refrigerate layers, and all in all take my time. So I am glad I did not win any of the decorating stuff that I bid for on e-bay.
And everyone was gone by 9:45 so I could go to sleep! Now that's what I call a rousing success.
I am excited to have a quiet night alone with Jeff tonight, though. We have been running around, it seems, all week. So tonight it will be silence and TV!! I can hardly wait.
I did the best I could taking pictures of the cake etc. on my phone, but check out Pam's blog today, her's will probably be better, and include the birthday boy.
http://www.pamrentz.com/ for those of you who don't know. You can skip looking at the Def Leppard concert pictures, though, because I look horrible and also seem to be doing something weird with my hands.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
All about...Sports?

Its basketball season!!! For the last 3 days the Oregonian has been chock full of NBA news, warming the cockles of my heart. There was an excellent article on my beloved Rick Adelman, former Trailblazer and Sacramento Kings coach, now with the formerly boring Houston Rockets. I will now watch Rocket games because I am excited to watch how they incorporate Rick's style of play. Also, Bonzi Wells re-signed with the Rockets, and he played his best for Adelman when he was with the Kings in the playoffs 2 years ago, one of the many King's playoff trips I do not like to speak of. Sigh.
Sadness again, though, with the Blazers. It seems like Brandon Roy will miss all of the pre-season games, thereby missing his opportunity to really solidify his game with his teammates before the actual season starts. It seems we in Portland can't catch a break. At least we're not the Knicks (Sexual Misconduct) or the Lakers (obstructing justice, and, well, being the Lakers) this season.
I just got the big Basketball magazine I get every year that ranks all the players and the teams, so I am going to start studying it today. Alas, no fantasy basketball team for me this year. Who has the time? But I like to know what i am talking about when I watch games. You know, it impresses the boys.
Philadalphia and Chicago both lost their first games last night in the MLB division series. Come on!! at least the Yankees are not playing.
Enough sports, or you might forget whose blog you are reading. and I don't really know or care enough about baseball to write intelligently about it. All I know is I am always glad when its over because then its time for the NBA.
Happy 48th birthday Jeff!! I hope the record-player shaped birthday cake I am making for you ends up looking like it does in my head.
Prison Break was awesome last night! The plot thickens! Whats in the box left for Lincoln, I wonder? I think it's LJ's hand!!
AOOOOOO Survivor tonight, which I won't have time to watch due to the birthday party. Hopefully no one at work spoils it for me again like they did last week.
I have hardly gotten a chance to watch anything yet. Not Reaper, or Chuck, or Bionic Woman. I think I am going to give up on "Kid Nation" because I have 2 weeks worth taped and have not been interested enough to watch it. I also decided last night to tape "Pushing Daises" instead because I read a good review, so we'll see. I also missed the premier of "Aliens in America" which sounded funny,but oh well. Also it seems I have a whole season of "Damages" taped and have not watched that, either. I need a TV weekend, stat!! Also Top Chef ended last night and I am trying to decide if I should google who won or wait to watch it. 3 guesses as to what I'll do.
Also tonight stars "30 Rock", with Jerry Seinfeld guest starring. Please watch this show so it dosen't end up like "Arrested Developement"- winning emmy's, being hysterical, and getting cancelled thereby devestating the 12 people that watch it. Trust me, its worth it!! And it has Alec Baldwin!! Who dosen't LOVE Alec Baldwin!!
Sadness again, though, with the Blazers. It seems like Brandon Roy will miss all of the pre-season games, thereby missing his opportunity to really solidify his game with his teammates before the actual season starts. It seems we in Portland can't catch a break. At least we're not the Knicks (Sexual Misconduct) or the Lakers (obstructing justice, and, well, being the Lakers) this season.
I just got the big Basketball magazine I get every year that ranks all the players and the teams, so I am going to start studying it today. Alas, no fantasy basketball team for me this year. Who has the time? But I like to know what i am talking about when I watch games. You know, it impresses the boys.
Philadalphia and Chicago both lost their first games last night in the MLB division series. Come on!! at least the Yankees are not playing.
Enough sports, or you might forget whose blog you are reading. and I don't really know or care enough about baseball to write intelligently about it. All I know is I am always glad when its over because then its time for the NBA.
Happy 48th birthday Jeff!! I hope the record-player shaped birthday cake I am making for you ends up looking like it does in my head.
Prison Break was awesome last night! The plot thickens! Whats in the box left for Lincoln, I wonder? I think it's LJ's hand!!
AOOOOOO Survivor tonight, which I won't have time to watch due to the birthday party. Hopefully no one at work spoils it for me again like they did last week.
I have hardly gotten a chance to watch anything yet. Not Reaper, or Chuck, or Bionic Woman. I think I am going to give up on "Kid Nation" because I have 2 weeks worth taped and have not been interested enough to watch it. I also decided last night to tape "Pushing Daises" instead because I read a good review, so we'll see. I also missed the premier of "Aliens in America" which sounded funny,but oh well. Also it seems I have a whole season of "Damages" taped and have not watched that, either. I need a TV weekend, stat!! Also Top Chef ended last night and I am trying to decide if I should google who won or wait to watch it. 3 guesses as to what I'll do.
Also tonight stars "30 Rock", with Jerry Seinfeld guest starring. Please watch this show so it dosen't end up like "Arrested Developement"- winning emmy's, being hysterical, and getting cancelled thereby devestating the 12 people that watch it. Trust me, its worth it!! And it has Alec Baldwin!! Who dosen't LOVE Alec Baldwin!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Womb with a View
Yesterday was a busy baby day. First we went and saw Dr. Ed, and were excited to know that Sam is in the proper position. We even got a short ultrasound and were able to see his little head, with his eyes, nose and lips. So cute! I got to talk to Dr. Ed about circumcision, and as it turns out he is Jewish and has done many before. So he says we will wait 8 days, and I can bring some prayers and a bottle of manaschwitz and we will be good to go! We also got a list entitled "what you need to know about the end of your pregnancy." I think that freaked us out a little (a lot) because there it was, in writing. We are close to the birth of this baby, ready or not. So all the things we said that we would get when its a little closer to birth is suddenly NOW. We have to get this birthing kit, and make meal or snacks for the birthing doctors (there will be 3- Dr. Ed and his posse' o' interns), and it says I should make and freeze meals for after the baby is born. Plenty of juice, popsicles, etc. a digital thermometer. 2 sets of sheets. Towels. No boiling water, though!
Then on to birth class. Our teacher was a little miffed that no one had practiced pain coping techniques over the past week. I was going to say that i burned myself a few times on the fireplace and I coped through that, but she does not seem to have much of a sense of humor. We did a pain- coping breathing technique that Jeff and I both actually enjoyed, having him move his hand up my back when I inhaled, to the top of my head, and then on my tummy as i exhaled. that was nice and peaceful. If we had had to add chanting it would have been a different story. I just liked it I think because it was nice to have his touch, it was comforting, but again who knows how i'll feel when I am screaming in pain.
We also had to meditate on our tigers, or things we are scared of happening during birth. It was hard to chose just one!! then we had to draw a picture of how we were going to deal with the tigers. Grrrrrr!
We also drew labyrinths. Our teacher was a little unsure of how to connect the various pieces, but mine turned out ok. I wanted to put David Bowie in the middle of mine, but, again with the humor. Jeff got it, at least.
On a different note, i have had the same dream in as many weeks about a group of people throwing rocks at my windshield. What on earth do you suppose that means?
Then on to birth class. Our teacher was a little miffed that no one had practiced pain coping techniques over the past week. I was going to say that i burned myself a few times on the fireplace and I coped through that, but she does not seem to have much of a sense of humor. We did a pain- coping breathing technique that Jeff and I both actually enjoyed, having him move his hand up my back when I inhaled, to the top of my head, and then on my tummy as i exhaled. that was nice and peaceful. If we had had to add chanting it would have been a different story. I just liked it I think because it was nice to have his touch, it was comforting, but again who knows how i'll feel when I am screaming in pain.
We also had to meditate on our tigers, or things we are scared of happening during birth. It was hard to chose just one!! then we had to draw a picture of how we were going to deal with the tigers. Grrrrrr!
We also drew labyrinths. Our teacher was a little unsure of how to connect the various pieces, but mine turned out ok. I wanted to put David Bowie in the middle of mine, but, again with the humor. Jeff got it, at least.
On a different note, i have had the same dream in as many weeks about a group of people throwing rocks at my windshield. What on earth do you suppose that means?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
33 weeks and counting...

I have been having some strange, vivid dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that "Skinny Legs and All " was being made in to a major motion picture, starring Kate Walsh from "Grey's Anatomy" as Ellen Cherry Charles. This is funny for a lot of reasons, not the least being that I have never seen an episode of "Grey's Anatomy," much less heard that woman speak. It has also been at least a year since either Jeff or I have read that book. I remember being very upset at the casting, and wishing that they had cast Lauren Ambrose instead. Random. Also, they were using actual people for the conch shell, and the stick and the can'o'beans and the sock. It was so real to me that when I got up at 2:45am to go to the bathroom I actually googled it to see if I was right. I also had one very scary dream that I don't remember.
I am so excited because in the Oregonian today there were 2 whole pages about basketball!! The season opener exhibition game is NEXT WEEK!! against the Clippers, and the first official game is October 30th, against San Antonio, which we all know will be a bloodbath but who cares! From what I have been reading, our young little team has been working out and are raring to go. I don't care, truly , how many games we win or lose this season, only that we try our best and play with dignity, not shoot up strip club parking lots, smoke pot in our Hummers and race dogs.
Jeff's birthday is Thursday and I have a lot of cooking to do!! I did preliminary grocery shopping yesterday, but still need to get odds and ends. It should be interesting because the guest list consists of his boss and wife, his co-worker and his girlfriend, and our cousins Pam and Bob. Should make for some interesting conversation. It should be ok cause I will have Pam to talk to, cousin Bob could charm a paper bag, and the other guys can talk to each other. The only people I am worried about are the wife and girlfriend. I would usually say get everyone drunk and it will be ok, but the wife does not drink. Oh well. At least the food will be good, even though there is ALOT to do, not much time and even less kitchen space in which to do it. I am going to start today and make things that can keep.
I was the best wife ever and made Jeff's other favorite dinner last night, vegan macaroni and cheese. The "cheese" part is actually a sauce made with margarine and nutritional yeast, and yes, Virginia, it is as disgusting as it sounds, especially because I add vegan sausage and sun dried tomatoes to it. I always feel bad because usually I taste when I am cooking to adjust seasonings, but I can't bring myself to do it in this case, so I always hope for the best. Jeff ate half a pan full, so I guess it was good. I'm sure its not that bad but I have developed some sort of mental block against it.
It looks like after work on Saturday Jeff and I and Hobbes the cat are taking a road trip to Boise, Idaho to bring Hobbes to her new home. The story is complicated, but at least Hobbes will be happy. Also, I have never seen Boise, so that should be a fun 10 minutes. I am excited for a road trip but have warned Jeff that there will be many more frequent bathroom breaks, and I will fall asleep more than usual. Well, the falling asleep part he is used to. I bet he is home right now getting out the Everclear CD's.
I have to go now and do my birthing class homework. Mine is writing about "creating a birth space that will help me open" and I told Jeff I would do his homework, too, so I have to write phrases for him to say to me during contractions that will help/ encourage me in labor. I don't know if "vodka tonic, vodka tonic" is appropriate.
I am so excited because in the Oregonian today there were 2 whole pages about basketball!! The season opener exhibition game is NEXT WEEK!! against the Clippers, and the first official game is October 30th, against San Antonio, which we all know will be a bloodbath but who cares! From what I have been reading, our young little team has been working out and are raring to go. I don't care, truly , how many games we win or lose this season, only that we try our best and play with dignity, not shoot up strip club parking lots, smoke pot in our Hummers and race dogs.
Jeff's birthday is Thursday and I have a lot of cooking to do!! I did preliminary grocery shopping yesterday, but still need to get odds and ends. It should be interesting because the guest list consists of his boss and wife, his co-worker and his girlfriend, and our cousins Pam and Bob. Should make for some interesting conversation. It should be ok cause I will have Pam to talk to, cousin Bob could charm a paper bag, and the other guys can talk to each other. The only people I am worried about are the wife and girlfriend. I would usually say get everyone drunk and it will be ok, but the wife does not drink. Oh well. At least the food will be good, even though there is ALOT to do, not much time and even less kitchen space in which to do it. I am going to start today and make things that can keep.
I was the best wife ever and made Jeff's other favorite dinner last night, vegan macaroni and cheese. The "cheese" part is actually a sauce made with margarine and nutritional yeast, and yes, Virginia, it is as disgusting as it sounds, especially because I add vegan sausage and sun dried tomatoes to it. I always feel bad because usually I taste when I am cooking to adjust seasonings, but I can't bring myself to do it in this case, so I always hope for the best. Jeff ate half a pan full, so I guess it was good. I'm sure its not that bad but I have developed some sort of mental block against it.
It looks like after work on Saturday Jeff and I and Hobbes the cat are taking a road trip to Boise, Idaho to bring Hobbes to her new home. The story is complicated, but at least Hobbes will be happy. Also, I have never seen Boise, so that should be a fun 10 minutes. I am excited for a road trip but have warned Jeff that there will be many more frequent bathroom breaks, and I will fall asleep more than usual. Well, the falling asleep part he is used to. I bet he is home right now getting out the Everclear CD's.
I have to go now and do my birthing class homework. Mine is writing about "creating a birth space that will help me open" and I told Jeff I would do his homework, too, so I have to write phrases for him to say to me during contractions that will help/ encourage me in labor. I don't know if "vodka tonic, vodka tonic" is appropriate.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The weekend is over, we did not do our homework...
We did not do our homework for our birthing class, and we are not sure we care. We will spend a little bit of time tonight trying to create some birth art on the big piece of paper we were given, that is still in the back seat of Mike Bibby. Oops! We will be at that clinic tomorrow from 4:15 (Dr's. appt.) till 9pm when the class ends. That's punishment enough.
In other news, Sam is starting to kick HARD! I felt a foot go across my stomach last night, and then of course straight into my ribcage. But its awesome, I love to feel him move around, and I am assuming because his feet are up there he is in the right position.
My mom was here this weekend, and we had such a lovely, relaxing time! Jeff picked her up at the airport and took her to breakfast while I was still at work, and then we pretty much just relaxed. We went to dinner at Apizza Scholls, which I love, and tried the NY White pie for the first time which was just about one of the best things I had ever eaten, and my mom agreed. When we got home I made Caramel Pecan Rolls to bake for breakfast the next day, and we watched the first 3 episodes of Weeds season 3 that my friend Andy so kindly taped for us. We were both so disappointed when it was over- every episode is a cliffhanger and so so good! Truly the best show on TV, in my opinion. Sunday we woke up, I popped the pecan rolls in the oven, which were extraordinary, and we got coffee and settled in to do my favorite thing- light a fire, relax and watch the food network all day. Brian came over and hung out with us for a while, but he had just come in from Chicago and was exhausted, so he did not stay long. Later on, we went through all the baby clothes everyone has been so kind in giving us, and sorted them according to size. It looks like, clothes wise, we have mostly everything we need except for these things my mom calls "stretchies" which I guess are like nightgowns that close on the bottom. The only thing missing from this weekend was my husband, and not just because he could have made all the trips to the basement to get us more wood for the fire. I truly miss him when he is gone.
Jeff finally got home at around 8:30, and after we had the brief homework conversation we watched the season premier of "The Office" again because he had not yet seen it. Guess what- it was just as funny the second time!!! I tossed around in bed for a long time without falling asleep last night- its getting more and more difficult to get comfortable- but I had really vivid dreams. In one of them my grandmom Lee was next to me with her hand on my stomach feeling the baby move, which was wonderful because I don't know when I will see my grandmother next, so I felt like she was with me for a little while.
I am so excited because Pam , Kathy, Jen and I are going to get together soon for a Styx/Def Leppard concert reunion party to watch the seminal movie "Hysteria- the Def Leppard Story", starring... wait for it... Anthony Michael Hall, of 16 Candles fame. Good times!
Oh my goodness I just looked at the date. Is it really October?
In other news, Sam is starting to kick HARD! I felt a foot go across my stomach last night, and then of course straight into my ribcage. But its awesome, I love to feel him move around, and I am assuming because his feet are up there he is in the right position.
My mom was here this weekend, and we had such a lovely, relaxing time! Jeff picked her up at the airport and took her to breakfast while I was still at work, and then we pretty much just relaxed. We went to dinner at Apizza Scholls, which I love, and tried the NY White pie for the first time which was just about one of the best things I had ever eaten, and my mom agreed. When we got home I made Caramel Pecan Rolls to bake for breakfast the next day, and we watched the first 3 episodes of Weeds season 3 that my friend Andy so kindly taped for us. We were both so disappointed when it was over- every episode is a cliffhanger and so so good! Truly the best show on TV, in my opinion. Sunday we woke up, I popped the pecan rolls in the oven, which were extraordinary, and we got coffee and settled in to do my favorite thing- light a fire, relax and watch the food network all day. Brian came over and hung out with us for a while, but he had just come in from Chicago and was exhausted, so he did not stay long. Later on, we went through all the baby clothes everyone has been so kind in giving us, and sorted them according to size. It looks like, clothes wise, we have mostly everything we need except for these things my mom calls "stretchies" which I guess are like nightgowns that close on the bottom. The only thing missing from this weekend was my husband, and not just because he could have made all the trips to the basement to get us more wood for the fire. I truly miss him when he is gone.
Jeff finally got home at around 8:30, and after we had the brief homework conversation we watched the season premier of "The Office" again because he had not yet seen it. Guess what- it was just as funny the second time!!! I tossed around in bed for a long time without falling asleep last night- its getting more and more difficult to get comfortable- but I had really vivid dreams. In one of them my grandmom Lee was next to me with her hand on my stomach feeling the baby move, which was wonderful because I don't know when I will see my grandmother next, so I felt like she was with me for a little while.
I am so excited because Pam , Kathy, Jen and I are going to get together soon for a Styx/Def Leppard concert reunion party to watch the seminal movie "Hysteria- the Def Leppard Story", starring... wait for it... Anthony Michael Hall, of 16 Candles fame. Good times!
Oh my goodness I just looked at the date. Is it really October?
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