Monday, April 14, 2008

Another thing.....

I was just re- reading some of my old posts and read that I wrote that Sam does not like to be naked. Hoo boy was i off the mark with that one. This kid cries every morning when I try to put a t- shirt on him, much less pajamas with the dreaded feet. And the biggest smile is when we take his feet out of the feetie part of the pj's. He does not even like to be covered in a blanket at night. Jeff and I are certain it is residual angst from "the swaddling period", when we used to wrap him up so tight at night so his flailing self would not wake him up. But we had to give that up because he wiggled all night so much that he still has a bald spot on the back of his head, so now we just suffer with the wiggling, and it is pretty intense wiggling. I gave up on the crib last night, partially because I was lonely and mostly cause I did not want to keep getting up every five minutes, and by the time Sam fell asleep (for the hour he slept) he was sideways and every time I turned over to check on him I got a baby fist in my eyeball.
So no, we are eagerly looking forward to summer when no clothes will be required.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you write about our wonderful weekend soon. Sam is so cute and smart. What a good baby!