Monday, April 28, 2008


Heretofore to be labeled "the asparagus incident," it started innocently enough, Sam sitting on Aunt Bari's lap during dinner, when Sam thought he might like to try asparagus. And grilled potatoes, and bread, and leeks. He made a dive for the flank steak, but I had to draw the line, somewhere. It was so funny that we just let him play, I was excited that he was refining his palate and trying new things. Then I remembered that he was 5 months old and spent the next day looking for suspicious rashes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahah. I remember those days. Wanting to let them try new things...and others always wanting to put then foods in their mouths. But the fear of an allergic reaction. Did you check him at night to make sure he was still breathing? This was my favorite past time when mine were young.