Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sleepy Mommy

We are trying our hardest to crib train Samwise, but he is fighting it. Last night he slept in the crib from 8:30 till about 10:45, then again from 2 till 5:30, the longest stretch yet. And today, under great protest, he even took a nap in the crib. This is essential because I have been walking around like a zombie, because I am having a hard time getting back to sleep after putting Sam down. Between the huge logs being sawed by my dear husband, and trying to listen to the next room to make sure Sam is still breathing, plus all that is going on in my head, I manage to toss and turn until literally the second that Sam wakes back up. Oh well.
I am very excited because it seems like I have a lot of catering opportunities coming up. That is something I have always wanted to do so I am looking forward to seeing how it is going to pan out. This weekend I am going to observe my future partner, Nancy, as she caters an event. We have one that we will be doing together at the end of the month, and then in May I will have a 3 day event of about 100 people all to myself! Perhaps that is what is keeping me up at night?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with getting Sam to sleep in the crib. Some babes are just better at it then others. I had one that did just fine and one that still walk in my room and crawls in bed with me often. And you catering things sounds like fun. i know how much you love cooking. I hope it turns out great.