Sunday, January 20, 2008

Culinary Genuis part deux

We are having a nice mellow weekend. Yesterday we barely left the house. I made faux sausage biscuits and gravy, with that soysage, which is my new favorite product. I have never had real biscuits and gravy before, it just looked like a heart attack on a plate, you know? but the veggie version was pretty good, and got rave reviews from Jeff.
Today Samwise is officially 2 months old. He is a BIG baby! but he is doing all the things he should be doing, and I think he is brilliant! He laughs and rolls over and is alert and sucks his fingers. This morning when I was making breakfast we rocked around the kitchen, and he fell asleep to Run DMC's "It's Tricky"
Today we are also going to take turns going through the line at Fred Meyer as many times as we can because there are in store $5 off coupons for our formula, and that is a great deal, but its only one per customer. I guess it IS tricky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at you, you little coupon mama. I am so proud of you. hehehe