Monday, January 14, 2008

Dr. Karp is my best friend!

We had been having trouble getting Sam to sleep at night for more than 2 hours at a time. He swings his little arms around like a conductor, not only punching me in the face, but waking himself up. So while we were at the mall the other day, I picked up his book "The Happiest Baby on the Block," which recommended the 5 s's technique, involving swaddling, shushing, sideways, swinging and sucking. Imagine my surprise when 2 minutes of this turned my squalling baby into a peaceful sleeper. He is still like Houdini at night, magically worming his way out of the tightest swaddles, but he sleeps a 5 hour stretch, and then a 3 hour stretch, and then I put him in his swing (Dr. Karp recommends the highest setting) until he wakes up for good, while I frantically gather things together for the day.
Prison Break tonight!! Although I will have to wait until Wednesday to watch.

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