Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well we took Sam to the Doctor a few days ago. He is 27 pounds ( I know, I know) and 27 inches long. He also had 4 shots, and for the rest of the day was super clingy, which is not normal, but very nice. He has a new look, where he sort of tilts his head to the side and gazes up at you, we call it his "coy" pose. I think he is going to be a huge flirt!! He also has several tricks, when you say "bouncy bouncy" he will bounce up and down, he will also do "rocky rocky" when he is on his hands and knees. He has, much to my chagrin, not said "Mama" yet, but I know its coming.

Why is radio so bad? I have taken several road trips- long ones- since I have moved to Orleans, and I must say that the state of FM radio has sadly declined. I must have heard every song I TOTALLY hate at least 3 times, including many by Joe Walsh, whom Jeff will tell you I completely despise, "Black Velvet" twice, "Mony Mony"- both versions, I even heard that horrible "Mambo number 5"- remember that horrible song? And then, to add insult to injury, whenever a song I liked came on, like "Keep on Lovin' You" the radio station would get all static-y. Oh, I rue the day I spilled formula on my ipod. I must have listened to the new REM
and Rilo Kiley 12 times each. Oh, and much Smiths- thank you Justen. While I was listening to "Strangeways Here we Come" I remember when I was listening to it with my mom when I first got it- freshman year of high school I thing- and she thought it was the most depressing thing ever. Well, duh! It's the Smiths, that's the point.

I have been baking a lot lately. When my dad and Mary Ellen came up to visit, we did and authentic North Carolina Barbecue, I even made hamburger buns, and I made 2 pies- blackberry (Sam and I picked them that day, he hates to stay still in his stroller) ans peach. Daddy, don't read this, but the reason the crust was so good on the peach pie was because i used bear fat- it made it really flaky! I also make really good whole wheat bread. Sam loves it!

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