Thursday, November 1, 2007


Oh man am I actually due in 20 days? I can't believe that after all of this waiting that it is actually November. I waffle between excitement and sheer terror.
Poor California- first the horrible fires and now a big earthquake! Do I really want to move back? At least no one was hurt in the earthquake, nor do I believe there was much structural damage.
I got a haircut yesterday that I absolutely hated when I walked out of the place, then I got home and decided that it was pretty cute, except she cut weird long bangs that kind of wing out at the sides and are too short to tuck behind my ears. Irritating. I still have to play around with it but she just trimmed it (my hair was one big split end) and re- cut the layers, and now it looks good even when it just dries naturally, but it got super curly. I'm curious to see what it looks like blown out and straight. Ill try it now, because I guess soon its ponytail 24/7 for this girl!! With a side of spit up for styling product!!
So I got all of this stupid candy, yesterday was the first Halloween I have actually been home for, and did we get one trick or treater? NO!! So we are stuck with 1,ooo,ooo boxes of Dots, the grossest candy in the world that I bought so I would not eat it all. I made Jeff take them to work, if they don't eat them they can use it to stick down roofing material.
Also- tragedy of tragedies- I set my DVR to tape the season premier of Nip/Tuck- I was looking forward to it like some people look forward to Christmas, and I don't know what happened but my DVR taped 10 hours of I don't know what but NO NIP/TUCK!! I was devastated last night, even thought it will be rebroadcast 100 times this week I really wanted to watch it last night. GRRR.
The new rocking chair is fitting in and getting along great with the rest of the furniture. Jeff has taken to it like a house on fire, I see rocking chair fights in the future, especially when the blue chair is gone. Maybe I will look on Craig's list and try to find another one.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Oh no! Dots. I bought Hot Tamales and Mike & Ike to keep Bob out of the candy. He likes the chocolate. We had a decent turnout. Just a few leftovers.