Sunday, November 4, 2007


I have to post every day for this month, so here is a quick one for today. My new favorite website is They have recaps of most of the shows I watch, and are written in just the snarky tone I love! My favorite was last weeks recap of "The Biggest Loser" when they actually quoted a song from Les Miserable to illustrate the war between the red, black and blue teams..." Red, the blood of angry men, black, the dark of ages past.." then something about blue being the color of Gatorade that is not really a flavor, which was shades of my Icee post, so I was instantly smitten.
They do not, however, review "The next Great American Band" and more's the pity, because if there was ever a show made for sarcasm, well, this is it.
There was also a post of the to 10 best Amazing Race episodes of all time, and, while I don't agree with all of them (my favorite was when Charla the small person carried a side of beef around her neck, or maybe when she got electrocuted), It was still a good read and got me excited for this season, which starts tonight and features Lesbian Clergy and a Goth couple. How did we ever live before reality TV, I ask you.
I suppose I should go make scones now and go to Trader Joes, but I really just want to sit on my blue chair and take a nap in front of the fire.
Peace out.

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