Tuesday, October 30, 2007

E-Bay Adventures

So I posted on Craigs List for someone to help me sell all of my Starbucks stuff on E- Bay, and I met this nice guy Brian. We posted all of it, and the bidding ends in about 5 hours. They have been posted for about 6 days. The first few days I was a little concerned because nothing was selling, but in the last few hours the bidding wars have begun, and let me tell you this is an exhilarating feeling. I check every 10 minutes because he sent me a link to all the stuff. It's such a rush, I can see how people do this for a living. I can't wait to find other stuff to sell (comic books? what?) I told him for his trouble I'd give him 20%, but I still stand to make enough to buy a baby sling, get a haircut and maybe go pay the electric bill!!
Tonight is an exciting night for TV. Up at 5 is opening night for the Blazers! They are playing Champions San Antonio, and I hate to bet against my boys but I think it's going to be a massacre and I bet Jeff a quarter on a 20 point spread. I'm just pragmatic.
Then, "The Biggest Loser"- The aftermath, in which we see the repercussions of Nicks dramatic 17 pound strategic weight gain to save the blue team. Who says reality TV isn't exciting?
Then, after almost a year of waiting, Nip/Tuck is finally back. I am rejoicing!!
Brian is coming over to watch some of the game, and hopefully Jeff will stay home, too, instead of going out. I will tempt them with hummus and other snacks, and then when I am tired they can both go to the bar together, those crazy boys always going out on a school night. I am glad my best friend and my husband are friends, It's cute, and convenient!!
The comic book convention is in a few weeks, and Jeff is all sorts of worried I will go into labor right as he's selling X-Men comics or whatever. We have backup plans, but there is a chance...
I thought Sam was going to come last night, I was having some pretty nasty contractions, but I think it might have just been Sunday nights chinese dinner.

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