Monday, September 3, 2007

September 3rd, 2007

The alternate title to today's post should be "Why does this child kick my bladder every 10 seconds?" Anyway, happy labor day. I am so happy that it is almost fall. It's even supposed to rain tomorrow, which I am strangely excited about. Soon I can wear my new Earth Boots!! Of course, I have no warm clothes right now that fit, a minor detail.
I got an e-mail today from my Aunt Marcia, who appreciated the insight of an "adult" Meri. I had to take a moment, because sometimes I forget that I am actually an adult. I used to love going to Aunt Marcia's house when I was younger. They had a dog named Dustin which was something of a family urban legend- you never really saw him ,which made him absolutely terrifying. She was the one who always made the kugel at family gatherings- one that I try and fail to replicate dutifully for my father on Rosh Hashanna when I go visit him in Chicago. Hey Aunt Marcia- will you e-mail me that recipe?
Spending so much time with my husband's wonderful family recently has really made me miss my own extended family. I miss my aunts and uncles- I only met Aunt Marcia's husband twice!!- and especially my cousins. It makes me sad that really none of them knows me at all. I go around thinking that my life is so full now, but my impending motherhood has made me yearn to be surrounded by my family. When the women in Jeff's family threw me a little baby shower in Orleans last month, I closed my eyes and saw my mom(crying, of course), my grand mom Lee, Aunt Tami, Marcia, Donna, my sweet sisters and my beautiful cousin Allegra. By the way, Allegra, in my previously mention Bat Mitzvah tape that I watched yesterday, Jeff and i got a kick of watching you and Derek dancing around to "Rock Lobster." I would like to think that that dance was the catalyst to your career today. I hope you are famous soon so I can put it on You Tube.
Anyway, family... I cant travel for a while but you all have an open invitation to come hang out in the lovely Pacific Northwest!! And I am starting a special savings account so that the next family event- Aggie, I think that's probably your wedding- I can drag the whole posse out and give you all big hugs and spend time catching up. Until then, I will try to post as many pictures as possible and keep you updated as to whats going on. I love you!!

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