Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Too much homework

Jeff and I have alot of homework this week from our birthing class. We need to read pages in a book we don't have, start a picture for our birthing space, and I have to make a list of 7 things to bring to my birth that are "not actual things." It's much harder than it sounds. Last night we spent a lot of time talking about cervical dilation, mucus plugs, bloody shows and loose bowels. If I didn't feel sexy before, man, do I now!!
We also spent a lot more time doing the ice-clutching exercise, but with more interference from our teacher. Our partners were to lead us through the exercise, chanting to us "seeing, hearing touch breath." I told Jeff that if he chanted that to me I would probably scream, so I told him just to make up stories about our friends, which actually worked. We both agree that this class, while beautiful, is giving us zero practical knowledge on how to deal with anything remotely related to labor. Oh well, its going to happen one way or another, I guess. At least we will have birth art to look at when we are completely stupefied during birth.
I'm just pretty much expecting to scream not nice things alot, probably cry, and then make jokes, which is not the spiritual birth I had in mind, but humor helps in situations like these.
The art that we had to do this week- on what being a mother meant to us, came much easier than the last picture. My drawing still looks like an 8 year old did it, but i still felt ok about it.
I finally saw my long lost friend Danielle yesterday. I have not seen her for 3 months, because the main place we used to hang out was at the Galaxy, and I am not going to bars lately. I was worried, and still kind of am, because although she is one of my best friends, she is 10 years younger than me and in a completely different stage in her life, so I am not sure how much she will want to hang out with me and a baby. It was sure nice to see her, and we met at Pok Pok, which was restaurant of the year last year. it was sooo good! We had these chicken wings that were covered in fish sauce and palm sugar (much better than it sounds) and this steak salad. I love Thai food because its all different tastes at once- sweet, salty, spicy, sour... yum!! i also had a Thai iced tea with lime juice. We sat outside and it was lovely. The cocktails looked excellent, too. I cant wait to come back. The menu is apparently based on Thai street food.
Today after work I have to go get my oil changed before my coupon expires, and then its Wednesday, so I will be hanging out with Brian and watching another scintillating episode of "Prison Break".

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